Saturday 2 February 2008

All About Z

He gets mesmerized by the red-eye light and refuses to smile.

Hanging out.

Getting ready for a walk.

Playing computer games with Daddy.

Z has started eating solid food. As you can see, carrots, at least mushed up carrots, are not his favorite.

He likes yogurt quite a bit more.

Out to see the sea.

Z rolled over for the first time about a month ago!

Prince of Egypt


Flame Lilly said...

He is so cute and has the rosiest cheeks ever!!

megarber said...

I agree. He's the perfect Scottish baby with his porcelain pink cheeks. I hope I get to meet him sometime before he's all grown up! Love, Auntie Meg

Kathy Stegall said...

Yes. What a beautiful child. What an unbelievable treasure. What a gift. It is too amazing to think about. A new person has come into being, is growing...what will he do? what will he be? long after I'm dead. Will I know about him? Will he have children? On and on and on... Life is so amazing and beyond my most things. "but, one thing I do..." this beautiful little face has brought my meandering mind to this: "I press on..."
Love, MOM

Ann said...

I love seeing him in our old outfits! He has Nathan's eyes.