Monday 30 June 2008

Scholarly News

We have very good news! Nathan had his boards about a week ago, and he was successfully upgraded to a full Ph.D. candidate. According to the system here, all Ph.D. students are technically considered masters students their first year. During that first year they are expected to produce a significant piece of writing, upon which basis they will then be upgraded for years two and three. Here at the University of Edinburgh, the upgrade process includes an oral defense in front of a board. Nathan wrote one of the chapters of his dissertation (here, thesis), and defended that before his board on June 17. I'm sure he'll have more information to post later, but the imporant news is that he was successfully upgraded. Yay!

Another piece of good news is that Nathan has just received word that he's going to have a full length article published in an academic journal called Literature and Theology. The issue goes to press this month, and will be out soon thereafter!


Dianna said...

Woohoo! That is awesome for Nathan. Way to go!

Flame Lilly said...


megarber said...

Yes, big congrats! Does it mean you don't come home or you still do? Auntie Meg

Kathy Stegall said...

How wonderful about the article, Nathan! Can't wait to read it. Is it the chapter you wrote for the upgrade?

Unknown said...

Wow! nathan! That's awesome!!!! congratulations! Can't wait to see that article -- keep us posted on where to see it!